Rules of the Pig Skin League

1. Pool is based on a confidence point system. You rank the games from "1" point to "maxgames". "1 to maxgames" means that the top pick is worth the number of games on the schedule down to 1 point for the lowest pick. If there are 13 games scheduled, then the top pick is worth 13.

2. Points are scored for a winning selection.

3. Ties are ties, not a win, not a loss.

4. Any missing pick(s) result in automatically losing #16, #15, etc…

5. Pick sheet is due by kick-off of first game- NO EXCEPTIONS.
When there are Thursday or Saturday games you may only turn in those picks if you want to. If you lose those games and then try to sneak them back in as winners for the remaining games, you will lose those points and be publicly humiliated.

6. Prizes are not paid until ALL entry fees are collected!

There will be a weekly winner and season winners for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. (Amounts will be determined by number of entries.)

7. First weekly tie breaker is total points scored on Monday night. Second weekly tie breaker is total wins for the week.

8. Season standings (1st, 2nd, 3rd) tie breaker are total wins for the season, and the second tie breaker is total winning percentage.

9. All player selections will be posted here.

10. Weekend results will be posted Monday morning, and final week results will be posted Tuesday morning.

11. Pool ends with regular season.

Survivor Pool

  1. Longest win streak BEFORE first loss
  2. Most teams used from NFC North Division

    If two remain tied after all tie-breakers, then pool will continue until we have a single winner.
    Good Luck!
    The Commissioner